Loosing the arrows

How to Loose Powerful and Effective Prayers?

Be Righteous Before the Lord

Powerful and effective prayers are the result of righteousness (James 5:16). Thereby, maintaining one's righteousness before the Lord is paramount to praying prayers that to their fullest extent. Why?

“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.”

- Romans 1:17

The righteous live by faith

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

The righteous walk by faith

“…faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”

- Romans 10:17

Faith comes from hearing Christ’s words

Righteousness is wrapped up in 1) what we hear from the Lord through His written word (the Bible) or His spoken word from His Holy Spirit and 2) what we do with what we hear. In other words, hear (by faith) and obey. Not obeying results in dead faith (James 2:26).

Lack of obedience in any area and not being fully right with the Lord will result in arrows in your quiver being dull (impotent), lacking direction (ineffective), and unable to pierce the enemy and take ground as they were intended.  

To pray prayers that are both powerful and effective:

  • Prayers that pierce the enemy

  • Prayers that assist in the taking of enemy strongholds

  • Prayers that keep the enemy at bay

One must be righteous.

One must obey ALL that God says.

And one must be quick to repent and consistent in asking God to search them (Psalm 139:23) to remain righteous before the Lord!

Righteousness Empowers Arrows

Righteousness Directs Arrows